Welcome to FAIR
These courses should be attended by every new user of the SoBigData Research Infrastructure, but they can be interesting also for other purposes.
For each course, you will find symbols that suggest the potential users interested in it.

Available courses

First Aid for Responsible Data Scientists
The data scientist using the SoBigData infrastructure has the responsibility to get acquainted with the fundamental ethical aspects relating to his/her research and to be aware that using the data he/she can find here will make him/her a "data controller".
The course purpose is to show you the responsabilities, the possibilities and the boundaries you have in data manipulation.

First Aid for GDPR & Data in Business

First GDPR Aid for Researchers
The course purpose is to show you the specific impact the General Data
Protection Regulation will have on researchers' duties and to highlight articles and recitals which specifically mention and explain how research is intended in GDPR's legal system.